In this section we’ll bring you updates on the important work done by our Codes & Standards, Government Affairs and Advancement Work Groups.

Our Work Groups are the vehicles by which:

  • Members’ voices are heard as SBC develops new public policy, codes, and standards (Government Affairs, Codes and Standards)
  • We develop Training Programs and Educational Content (Education)
  • Members tell us how to improve the Coalition to better serve them and the mission (Advancement)
  • Members can hear first changes in the industry involving all of the above
  • Each Work Group is guided by a Chair and a Vice Chair. The reports below will provide monthly updates from the Chair of each Work Group.
  • Participation in Work Groups is one of the best ways to realize value form your Safer Buildings Coalition Membership. Work Group participation is open to all Members of every type.

If you are interested in participating in a Work Group, please contact the Chair of the group.

Work Group Updates:

Codes & Standards Work Group

Gov't Affairs Work Group

Advancement Work Group

Codes & Standards Work Group Update

Codes and Standards Work Group

NFPA Submittal Review
Codes and Standards Work Group members continued its review of the SBC NFPA submittal. Chief Perdue was able to complete SBC's submittal language by the 11/15 NFPA submittal deadline.


BDA Matrix
Work continues on SBC website for BDA matrix, as well as new Public Safety DAS matrix. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue this work.

New Subcommittee
A new subcommittee has been formed, with the objective of providing feedback to AT&T on potential language for in-building FirstNet design and performance standards.  Josh Gerst will lead this subcommittee.  The first subcommittee meeting happened last week, and a first draft is being put together

Government Affairs Work Group Update

Government Affairs Work Group

The Work Group members attending the 11/15/19 call proposed amendments to Florida Statute 633.202 and will seek approval from the entire Work Group. With an affirmative vote we can then reach out to the Department of Financial Services to inquire their willingness to host a much-needed amendment to the current statute.

As currently written, Florida Statute 633.202 requires a modification to clarify the future compliance date for existing high-rise buildings and existing high-rise apartment buildings to meet the minimum radio strength for fire department communications of the Statute. The Department of Financial Services will likely file an agency bill in the coming session, and this may be an opportunity for the Safer Buildings Coalition to submit an amendment to the Statute. 

Advancement Work Group Update

Advancement Work Group

Purpose – Mission
The Advancement Group works to define and recommend organization priorities, goals and accomplishments. The group also surveys the membership at large in order to understand priorities and issues, and serves as sounding board for internal/external issues as they arise

Key Topics for 2020
The committee met in November 2019 reviewing topics for 2020. These topics include membership retention, new memberships, partnerships with different verticals, OEM, AHJ, etc. and the respective feedback. The committee is also reviewing concepts for value-add to the membership and new members with webinars, podcasts and seminars. 

Next steps for the committee: Review our membership, do some outreach campaigns and information sharing to formulate a baseline, starting point to work from to further build our SBC (Safer Buildings Collation) value to our organization and the communities we serve.