Safer Buildings Coalition WORK GROUP ROUNDUP
In this section we’ll bring you updates on the important work done by our Codes & Standards, Government Affairs, Advancement & Public Safety Technology Work Groups.
Our Work Groups are the vehicles by which:
- Members’ voices are heard as SBC develops new public policy, codes, and standards (Government Affairs, Codes and Standards)
- We develop Training Programs and Educational Content (Education)
- Members tell us how to improve the Coalition to better serve them and the mission (Advancement)
- Members can hear first changes in the industry involving all of the above
- Each Work Group is guided by a Chair and a Vice Chair. The reports below will provide monthly updates from the Chair of each Work Group.
- Participation in Work Groups is one of the best ways to realize value form your Safer Buildings Coalition Membership. Work Group participation is open to all Members of every type.
- If you are interested in participating in a Work Group please contact the Chair of the group.
Work Group Updates:
Codes & Standards Work Group
Advancement Work Group
Gov't Affairs Work Group
Public Safety Technology Work Group
Codes & Standards Work Group Update
During its most recent meetings the Codes & Standards work group covered the following topics:
- The next ICC code development cycle is kicking off soon with the fire code action committee. This process will take place over the coming months and years to propose changes to the IFC.
- NFPA process, still working on proposals from first draft. Next meeting is scheduled for this summer.
- The work group continues work on version 2.0 of the Safer Buildings Coalition's online BDA Directory
- Development of our DAS Directory continues. Any OEM who hasn’t worked on information with the subcommittee, please contact Joe Kurdas.
- Our subcommittee continued its work on refinement recommendations for UL 2524.
Advancement Work Group Update
The Advancement Work Group continues its review of member versus non-member access rights for validity. During its latest meeting, the group also focused on how the SBC can continue to serve the best interests of our members, as well working on defining topics that’ll encourage non-members to join the SBC organization.
Additionally, the SBC Advancement group has created:
- The Charter planning and goals for 2020
- Vertical cross member matrix for evaluating membership values and future partnerships with other organizations for value with SBC.
Government Affairs Work Group Update
In its most recent meeting, members of the Government Affairs Work Group listed the topics they see as most important at the moment. Topics included:
State-by-state: How do we receive information from each state when a legislative, or code-driven issue arises? What allied partnerships are we utilizing to assure we are kept informed of the needs from each state?
With much discussion about rapid fire service access (i.e.; Knox Box) we need to change the mindset to all emergency services access to include law enforcement and EMS. Many fire services are EMS based, but the LE community needs access in many cases too.
A concern was raised about architects and engineers planning for in-building communications through mandatory designated space for equipment and installation of raceways in new construction.
BDA adoption and UL 2524
How do contractors determine who is enforcing what code in what jurisdiction? Topic for the AHJ toolbox.
It was reported that wireless carriers have abandoned the NEAD (National Emergency Address Database). The International Association of Fire Chiefs (Ichiefs) has identified this concern and is researching best practices.
We continue to monitor the impacts and opportunities within the IRS 179 Tax Code. We would like to develop an informational "white" paper for building owners to answer the question, "what advantage is it to me as a building owner."
Public Safety Technology Work Group Update
This is the first update from our newest committee - the Safer Buildings Coalition Public Safety Technology Work Group
The group, which is headed by Matt Brown, of HetNet, was formed under the sponsorship of John Foley in February to bring a voice within SBC to the local radio shop/licensee holders. The initial goals for the first few months of the work group are to invite members from a cross section of licensee holders around the nation, re-work the initial charter based on member feedback and define our first initiatives. Future goals are to start to look at new/different technologies that will be available and how they should be implemented. I.e., deploying small cells, network connected signal source, indoor positioning, FirstNet, etc. We have good representation of members from the West Coast and through the South/Southeast but are looking for additional membership in the Midwest and Northeast.
A few key points of focus for the group:
- Educating on the FCC public notice from December.
- How to establish clear guidelines for "expressed written consent" from the license holder.
- Educate on testing procedures: what to look for, unexpected circumstances, noise issues, etc.
- Help define what is needed from an education and training perspective - engage with the NICET initiative.