Safer Buildings Coalition WORK GROUP ROUNDUP 

In this section we’ll bring you updates on the important work done by our Codes & Standards, Government Affairs, Advancement & Public Safety Technology Work Groups.

Our Work Groups are the vehicles by which:

  • Members’ voices are heard as SBC develops new public policy, codes, and standards (Government Affairs, Codes and Standards, Public Safety Technology) Members tell us how to improve the Coalition to better serve them and the mission (Advancement)

  • Members can hear first changes in the industry involving all of the above. Each Work Group is guided by a Chair and a Vice Chair. The reports below will provide monthly updates from the Chair of each Work Group.

  • Participation in Work Groups is one of the best ways to realize value form your Safer Buildings Coalition Membership. Work Group participation is open to all Members of every type.

If you are interested in participating in a Work Group, please contact the Chair of the group.

Work Group Updates:

Codes & Standards Work Group

Advancement Work Group

Gov't Affairs Work Group

Public Safety Technology Work Group

Codes & Standards Work Group Update

Codes and Standards Work Group

The ICC Code Development process kicked off 4/2 with Fire Code Action Committee hearings for 2024 edition of IFC. April of 2021 in Rochester NY will be first meeting for ICC for the next code development cycle.

The NFPA 1225 update process is continuing. These are some of the key dates:
July 28th, 2020: View proposed standards, first draft. 
October 9th, 2020: Deadline for public comments.
November 8th, 2020: Second draft meeting.

SBC member website BDA directory: Members have received an email for clarifications for the version 2 of the directory.  Version 2.1 shall include a reduction of records, to optimize/clean up the directory and make it more usable.

CA automatic fire alarm association has formed a BDA committee, which includes OEMs, integrators, fire service members. The committee is working on best practices documents for end users, installers, and fire service. These documents are currently in the review process. Once in first draft, the committee will be sharing them share with the workgroup. The 2021 CA code process will probably start next year with adoption around January.

Advancement Work Group Update

Advancement Work Group

The Advancement group has been working on a “Vertical Matrix” for the SBC members and how we can engage each of these verticals and then add value to them, along with finding partners that are new to the SBC organization and show the value of being a member. We continue further discussion and processes to start this project within our group.

Government Affairs Work Group Update

Government Affairs Work Group

The Government Affairs Working Group met, via Zoom, on Friday April 17, 2020. A round table discussion was the format as so much has changed in the last 30 days due to the COVID-19 threat in terms of travel, working environments and priorities.

Among the key issues discussed: IAFC and some wireless providers have reported conversation with the FCC regarding location accuracy. No specific details are provided other than to say these discussions have been initiated.

IAFC reports they are monitoring bills in Communications and Infrastructure sub-committees where there may be opportunities for in-building wireless communications injects.

T-Mobile announced their merger with Sprint and are looking at ideas for enhancing relationships with their public safety partners.

There was a lengthy discussion about shifts in the office working environment. This is a global issue in terms of workspace where remote/telecommuting may become the new normal leaving commercial office space vacant, or with a significant reduction in occupied space. A question was asked regarding what that means for SBC.

A letter being reviewed by the Florida Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association advising AHJs of their role in working with the in-building community on providing information required from local radio shops was briefly discussed. If effective, this may be a model for all states to distribute.

Chief Perdue gave an update on progress with the NICET Certification program along with the Jurisdictional tool kit (formerly known as the AHJ tool kit).

Public Safety Technology Work Group Update

PS Tech Work Group

The technology group is growing with new members from the SBC integrator and manufacturing community. We are still seeking more members that are actual license holders. 

We are still discussing some of the items that we can focus on but are continuing to have a robust discussion and develop a general discussion for better focus in the future. Two questions that the group is currently wrestling with are: Is ubiquitous coverage an end goal for emergency responder systems, and where is the line and synergies between fire code and FCC requirements for in-building coverage?