Safer Buildings Coalition January 2021 Newsletter: Tremendous Opportunities for SBC members in 2021
Let's build the puzzle together.
This year, the Safer Buildings Coalition and our members are embarking on some of the most ambitious programs we've ever undertaken. In the inaugural 2021 newsletter, we bring you the latest on the SBC-NICET Certification Program and accompanying Reference & Study Guide, as well as the No Noise Task Force we are building. We also spotlight a handful of new SBC members and bring you video updates from our five work groups. In his monthly column, Chief Perdue talks about the temptations of low-hanging fruit in the context of determining the best ERCES solution. And in Remembering January 23, 2005 the Chief looks back on "Black Sunday" and pays homage to the Fallen Heroes of that tragic day.
Posted on January 27, 2021 By Chief Alan Perdue (ret.), Executive Director, Safer Buildings Coalition
During many of my presentations across the country, I play an audio clip from a horrific fire that took place on this date 16 years ago. I do this to highlight how important in-building emergency responder communications are for public safety.
From the Chief’s Corner: The Temptation of Low-Hanging Fruit
Posted on January 27, 2021
For years, I’ve sought to approach things based on Habit #2 from Stephen Covey’s book titled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: “Begin With the End in Mind.” This is about having a clear vision about the purpose of a particular task. In other words: What exactly are you looking for? What are you trying to accomplish? Another important life principle I always tried to practice and reinforce when making decisions during my career in emergency service is “What’s best for those we are here to serve?”
On December 21, the Safer Buildings Coalition rolled out our "No Noise" Call to Action and Position Paper.
The goal of the Task Force is to focus on the problem of harmful interference caused by improperly deployed Signal Boosters. The scope of the Task Force is to address the past, present, and future of public safety in-building communications.
Update Jan 27 - SBC NICET Certification Program and In-Building Reference and Study Guide
Posted on January 27, 2021
The NICET In-Building Public Safety Communications Certification Program, and the accompanying Reference and Study Guide, are making great progress!
Certification Program
NICET is currently in the question writing phase for certification tests for the Design and Tech I certifications. These should be completed by May. Work on Tech II and Tech III exams should begin shortly, with tests available early 3rd quarter.
SBC Community Affairs “Forces for Good Spotlight”: Operation Gratitude Shows Love to the NYPD
Posted on January 27, 2021 New SBC feature gives an important voice to our members
The Safer Buildings Coalition Community Affairs Work Group this month begins a new program to recognize noble causes – brought to our attention by an SBC Member. Our program is dubbed “Forces for Good Spotlight.”
In our very first Forces for Good Spotlight, the SBC Community Affairs Work Group has selected Operation Gratitude, as suggested by SBC Managing Director John Foley.
The Safer Buildings Coalition continues to grow. We now have more than 140 members organizations across several categories. We value each and every member, and it's our pleasure to introduce you to a few of the latest additions to our member base: ECD Systems, Fire Science Institute at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, OnAir Solutions, SYM Technology & Whoop Wireless.
Safer Buildings Coalition Helps Members Be Seen and Heard
Posted on January 27, 2021
Dear Safer Buildings Coalition Members —
Did you know that the SBC offers you a variety of ways to highlight your organization and amplify your messaging through our digital platforms?
The SBC bullhorn that can help spread the word on your organization, your products, services, thought leadership - anything you'd like to share with your fellow members and Safer Buildings Coalition's broader audience.
SBC Members & Followers: Review and Verify Your Account Information
Posted on January 27, 2021
Dear Safer Buildings Coalition members & followers —
Periodically, we ask you to review your Safer Buildings Coalition information and preferences to ensure your name, title, organization, communication preferences, etc. are up to date.
Relive the Tessco-Safer Buildings Coalition Event Series
Posted on January 27, 2021
From early autumn through the first week of January, Safer Buildings Coalition and Tessco - a valued SBC member and partner – put together and presented a four-part In-Building Public Safety DAS virtual event series. To everyone who attended our events: Thank you. We hope you enjoyed the shows. And now, we have made all four events available for you to watch or relive.
Please watch this month's video updates from the Chairs of the Safer Buildings Coalition’s five work groups on their group’s activities, achievements and needs.
Click on the links or images to watch the video messages below:
Want to Know Who Can Perform In-Building Public Safety Work?
The purpose of the Safer Buildings Coalition Member Showcase is to provide visibility to the organizations who have demonstrated this commitment through Safer Buildings Coalition participation in this specialized community of practice.